The 2025 SRJC graduation commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 9:00 A.M. Have you applied to graduate yet? April 1, 2025 is the deadline to have your name included in the commencement program. Apply for your degree today!

Director's Welcome

Picture Vayta Smith













Hello and welcome to Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC). I have been the Director of Admissions & Records and Enrollment Services at SRJC since 2014, and it has been my pleasure helping students and their families access higher education. I came to the United States from Laos when I was seven years old and enjoyed learning English and making new friends from different cultures.  I first attended and worked as a student assistant at SRJC in the 90’s and transferred to Sonoma State University (SSU) upon graduating with my associate’s degree. I began my professional career at SSU as I studied sociology and multicultural education, earning two bachelor’s degrees and a master’s degree. As the first to attend college in my family, I have felt great satisfaction in helping to ensure that educational opportunities have been, and continue to be provided and made accessible to all who wish to learn. I look forward to meeting you and helping you be successful at SRJC.

Vayta Smith

Director, Admissions & Records and Enrollment Services